About Us
The APP Council at UVA Health provides a structured forum for advanced practice providers to evaluate, improve, empower, and support the role and scope of APP's at UVA. The council serves as a platform where APP voices are heard, linking access to action across health system settings and among system-wide endeavors.
Our Purpose
Shared Governance forum: How do APPs get involved and grow in their roles here?
Advocate for professional growth
Create a safe space for APPs to voice their thoughts and concerns
Provide education on topics that will be beneficial for the clinical practice and professional growth
Identify ways to promote inclusion and wellbeing
Celebrate and highlight achievements and increase visibility
Introduce creative ways to promote and increase visibility
Encourage scholarly work through scientific research, evidence-based practice, and innovation
The Principles of The APP Council
Accountability: Uphold the highest regard for their profession and their practice
Professionalism: Practice with respect for the interdisciplinary team to provide patient-centered, collaborative care.
Leadership: Dedicated to quality improvement and professional development to help facilitate change in the healthcare environment.
Inclusion: Promote the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, and wellness within the workforce to enrich and strengthen the APP council and APP presence at large. The APP Council will promote that every individual is valued and respected.
Research: Promote collaborative research and education that is ethical, influential, confidential, and medically sound.

APP Council Executive Board Structure & Responsibilities
The work of the Advanced Practice Provider Council is guided via a President and Vice-President with oversight from the Executive Administrator of APPs. The APP President, Vice-President, and Secretary are elected annually for one-year terms. Together, the Executive Council establishes the monthly agenda and holds monthly meetings in coordination with UVA Shared Governance bylaws to inform and engage the greater APP body. Most importantly, the council identifies key APP priority areas and develops and implements action plans determined as strategic priorities identified by UVA Health at large, UVA Medical Center, University Physicians Group, and APP members across the health system.
APP Council President, Vice President, and Secretary

APP Council President
APP Council Vice President

Brenda Deller, MSN, BSN, CCRN, CNS
APP Council Secretary

APP Council Past President
Recognition Committee
- Dedicated to recognizing the APP workforce for contributions, value, and growth
- ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​APP Recognition Week: Gala, cocktail/reception, awards ceremony
Social Media Committee
- Outreach, partnership, recruitment, engagement with other organizations
- Follow us on LinkedIn & Instagram

Susan Ketchum, MSN, APRN, AGCNS-BC, CPAN
APP Council Recognition Chair

Currently Recruiting for APP Council Recognition Co-Chair

APP Council Social Media Chair

APP Council Social Media Co-Chair
Onboarding, Orientation and Education Committee
Development of manual of onboarding resources
Establishing local competencies in each clinical space
Advocacy Committee
State and national legislative advocacy
UVA has a paid lobbyist who supports this work and monitors healthcare legislation

APP Council Onboarding, Orientation, and Education Chair

APP Council Onboarding, Orientation, & Education Co-Chair

Tanya Thomas, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC, OCN
APP Council Advocacy Chair

APP Council Advocacy Co-Chair
Research Committee
Facilitates and supports QI/EBP/Research pool of resources, provides mentorship
Mentorship Committee
- Focus on building systems of support as well as fostering new professional relationships with peers

APP Council Research Chair

APP Council Research Co-Chair

APP Council Mentorship Chair

APP Council Mentorship Co-Chair
Wellness Committe
Committee Coming Soon

Kathleen Haden, RN, MSN, ANP-C
APP Council Wellness Chair

Currently Recruiting for APP Council Wellness Co-Chair

